Territorial Foresight Study in Addressing the Digital Divide and Promoting Digital Cohesion
註釋In acknowledging the importance of the digital domain for an equal growth in Europe, since 2019 the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has been advocating for including digital cohesion as part of the traditional concept of cohesion, which currently encompasses the economic, social and territorial dimensions. Digital cohesion can be described as the state achieved through the closing of the digital divide and the attainment of even participation of all European citizens in the benefits of digital transformation. Against this backdrop, the present study aims to investigate the potential evolution of digital cohesion in the future with a combination of approaches used in the foresight studies: horizon scanning, megatrends analysis, scenarios building, visioning and backcasting. The study is structured in four parts preceded by an introduction. In the introduction the definitions of digital cohesion and digital divide are provided, illustrating how to measure digital cohesion at the regional level. Also, the main EU policy developments against the digital divide are presented.