
Maléa's story not only changed her life but also changed the life of her entire family. When I began writing this story, it was spoken in my spirit that this was much more than a story about a girl who the medical community thought was dying, who had been in coma for many months, of which she came out of successfully, nor was it about the number of painful medical procedures and traumatic episodes she had to endure while on this horrific and painful journey. Rather it was a story about a miraculous journey that a daughter and mother had been destined to travel together as a divine living testimony for those who dare to believe that there is a God, an all-powerful God, a God that is all seeing and all knowing who has powers that are far beyond man's diminutive mind and understanding! This phenomenal experience Maléa and I had not only reaches far beyond her and my understanding, but, I dare say, also reaches beyond everyone's mind who was there at the time when this happened and those who witnessed for themselves the unbelievable miraculous finish of it all, and who are still baffled and still marvel at how well mentally and physically Maléa turned out from all that she endured throughout this terrible medical journey. I call Maléa's medical ordeal a journey because of the length of time it took before any changes could be seen, and also because of the many difficult medical problems that Maléa and I traveled together, hers being physically painful and mine with her emotionally for five years.