Operator Algebras, Quantization, and Noncommutative Geometry
註釋John von Neumann and Marshall Stone were two giants of Twentieth Century mathematics. In honor of the 100th anniversary of their births, a mathematical celebration was organized featuring developments in fields where both men were major influences. This volume contains articles from the AMS Special Session, Operator Algebras, Quantization and Noncommutative Geometry: A Centennial Celebration in Honor of John von Neumann and Marshall H. Stone. Papers range from expository and refereed and cover a broad range of mathematical topics reflecting the fundamental ideas of von Neumann and Stone. Most contributions are expanded versions of the talks and were written exclusively for this volume. Included, among Also featured is a reprint of P.R. Halmos's The Legend of John von Neumann. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in operator algebras and applications, including noncommutative geometry.