Shaking table tests of reduced-scale masonry infilled reinforced concrete frame buildings
註釋The shaking table tests of two reduced scale models of reinforced concrete buildings with masonry infills were carried out in the context of ECOEST/PREC8 as an EC support to researchers from Slovenia and their acess to large scale facilities. This activity was also supported by the British Council through ALIS Link No. 20 and by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia. Tested models were build in the reduced scale 1:4 using the materials produced in accordance to modelling demands of true replica modelling technique. The first model represented one storey box like building and the second one two story building with plan shaped in form of letter H. Both models were tested on the shaking table at the University of Bristol in December 1995. A series of tests with different levels of excitation were carried out. The first model was tested up to collapse, while the second one was tested until severe damages occurred. It was later repaired and retested. The tests were carried out with different loading schemes: with and without attached mass on the top of the models, and with different motions of the shaking table. The table was run in single direction with the modified sine signal. The envelope of the signal was the same for all tests, only the acceleration level and frequency of sine wave waschanging. Models were tested in the frequency range near the resonance. Since propagation of structural damages leads to lowering the model's natural frequency, frequency of signal was set before each test run to be about 10% lower than model's first natural frequency. Masonry infills of tested models were constructed of relatively strong bricks laid in weak mortar. Therefore typical cracks developed and propagated along mortar beds without any cracking of bricks or crushing of infill corners. Data collected from tests are adequate to be used in future evaluation, verification and development of computational models for prediction of in-plane and out-of-plane behaviour of masonry infills.