The Most-Glorious Holy Qur'an
註釋This is the true and correct copy of the Holy Qur'an, revealed by the Prophet Muhammad, assembled in correct order by his son-in-law and successor Imam Ali; presented to and re-jected by Sunni Caliphs Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman Ibn Affan; and again presented to and accepted by my own ancestor, the Exilarch (Exiled monarchs of King David: Ar. Ras al-Jalut; Heb. Resh Galutha) Bostanai al-Raza by the person of Imam Ali himself in the presence of his own son and successor Husayn: The Prince of Martyrs.This resurrection of the true and Holy Qur'an in the correct order fulfills 'Abdu'l-Baha's injunction to prepare the world for the universality of the Revelation of the Holy Prophet of Islam. For this reason it is the full and complete and whole (holy: quds) Revelation of The Most Glorious Holy Qur'an: Qur'an-i Quds-si El-ABHA!