註釋The narrative unfolds from a casual visit by the narrator Jack Tate to an exhibition on baroque painting in a gallery in London, when the adventures of Kurupira, a mythical figure of an Amazon Forest goblin with inverted feet and defender of the forest, begin, who offers himself as squire to the greatest English philosopher of this century, Sir Roger Scruton, and seizes his soul during his stay in Brazil. They fight against the 12 evil dragons that inhabit the vast Brazilian territory, symbols of the corruption of the 12 biggest Western moral values.Sir Roger is part of a successor group of the 12 knights of the legendary Round Table, along with Edmund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, T.S. Eliot, G.K. Chesterton, Leo Strauss, Michael Oakeshott, Eric Voegelin, Karl Popper, Mario Ferreira dos Santos, Isaiah Berlin, and Russell Kirk, dedicated to the liberal- conservative cause in a world still dominated by baroque-leftist infidels.This is a timely allegory on the civilizing impasse in the Western world, and its influence on the Latin world, especially on Brazil, as a mediator of the voracity of the Chinese Dragon. Because only Brazil, a country that lives immersed under the most resilient baroqueism, as a culture of torsion and distortion of human reason, knows how to decipher Kurupira’s trails.