註釋Air burrowed insidiously into lungs that had collapsed subjective centuries ago, only to rush back out through tightened vocal chords in a scream of agony. Blood sluggishly drooled through heart chambers made fragile by timeżs merciless abrasion. Involuntarily, muscle groups twitched about as the soul returned to the body, flailing appendages hither and thither, testing their renewed animation. To complete the Waking, into his brain rushed memories of having no memories. Existence is not supposed to be optional in this flat polytheistic worldżit is the dictate of Etre, one of the worldżs three founding gods. But Sanct, a man lacking memories, skills, and purpose, possesses (or is possessed by) an object that seemingly ignores the godsż rules with impunity. To make matters even more confusing, Sanct is purportedly one of the godsż servants. But when the deities are forced to play by their own convoluted rules, even they can make mistakes.