The Lifeline of the Oregon Country
註釋In The Lifeline of the Oregon Country, James Gibsoncompellingly immerses the reader in one of the most intractableproblems faced by the Hudson's Bay Company: how to realize wealthfrom such a remote and formidable land. The personalities, places,obstacles, and operations involved in the brigade system are alldescribed in fascinating detail, stretch by stretch from Fort St.James, the depot of New Caledonia on the upper reaches of the FraserRiver, to Fort Vancouver, the Columbia Department's entrepôt on thelower Columbia River, and back. Never before has such a rich collectionof primary information concerning the fur trade supply system and theconstraining role of logistics been so meticulously assembled. TheLifeline of the Oregon Country will prove indispensable to historians,researchers, and fur trade enthusiasts alike, and is an importantcontribution to our understanding of the economic history of thePacific Slope.