How Magnets Saved My Life
註釋Combining a perfect blend of science and straightforward wisdom, How Magnets Saved My Life can improve every reader's life. Author Moses Durazo writes a compelling and compassionate book that explains an approach to health that is highly effective. At the heart of this method is the Goizean Medical Biomagnetic field, an area in which the author is a skilled practitioner. Goizean-Biomagnetism applies magnetic fields to the body in an effort to recover potential hydrogen (pH) balance. Without proper pH balance, the body cannot heal. The author details accounts where the application of magnets has cured diseases, like cancer and diabetes. While this may sound astounding at first glance, a careful consideration of the author's explanation of Biomagnetism proves his point. Moses Durazo's words educate, inform, and help. His knowledge in this area is extensive, yet his manner of conveying this information is like one of a humble helper who is truly concerned for your well-being. These pages ask readers to review the facts and make a conscious decision to take charge of their lives. Besides explaining the effects of magnetism on the body, he also details the roles of stress, emotions, vaccines, exercise, nutrition, and Alphabiotic Alignments on restoring balance in our lives. A lot of useful information is packed within these pages that have the potential for creating amazing results in the lives of every reader. • Goizean Medical Biomagnetism • Quantum Alphabiotic Spinal Alignments • Developing Emotional Intelligence • Nutrition • Rejuvenating Exercises About the Author: Moses Durazo, BA, HHP, CBP is a Certified Goizean Medical Biomagnetic and Alphabiotic Practitioner. He is an avid spokesperson and advocate for the alternative medicine industry in the United States and internationally. He is also author of, How to Grow Your Alternative Medicine Business without Government Interference. Meet the author. Watch videos and more. www.SaveMeMagnets.com.