註釋"The Craft of Argument "is designed to help integrate the skills of writing, critical thinking, and arguing for the purpose of enabling the writer to write arguments that are clear, sound, and persuasive. Integrating the skills of writing, critical thinking, and arguing in order to write arguments that are clear, sound, and persuasive is the key benefit of "The Craft of Argument," Part 1 presents an overview of the nature of argument. Part 2 offers a detailed discussion of the five elements of argument (finding and stating a claim; reasons and evidence; reporting evidence; acknowledgments and responses; and warranting claims and reasons). Part 3 focuses on meaning and causation. Part 4 emphasizes language-how to write clearly and vividly, and how to use language persuasively. Part 5, Readings, comprises a wide range of sample arguments for analysis and springboards for discussion and further writing. General Interest: Improving Wrtiting