Duty of Care
註釋Written by the Ex-wife of a long serving Officer, the author witnessed first hand the effects of PTSD on her husband and it's impact on the family as a whole. This book is the second edition and tells some of that story, of the daily life and struggles of PTSD sufferers and experiences as told by Cops and their partners.Inside the reader will be offered real world advice on how to potentially spot the onset of PTSD, how to seek help and most importantly how to advocate for oneself when dealing with the Constabulary who is responsible for duty of care.The book offers a positive perception of PTSD and through the authors' personal experience and research seeks to offer useful help and guidance to other sufferers and their families.Police Culture and organizational factors which impact on psychological health are explored. The author offers guidance to the Police Service on strategies to reduce levels of sickness absence, improve commitment to the organisation and increase effectiveness whilst safeguarding their greatest asset (the men and women serving our communities).The author is Founder and CEO of Safe Horizon UK, a Registered Charity providing a peer support and advocacy service for (ex) Officers and their families. All proceeds from book sales go to Safe Horizon UK.