Marc Deveroux: The Beginning

“Take a sedative Melanie. I have to stay awake now. If you could be so kind as to bring me about five stimulants first I be greatly appreciative. Then before you go to sleep some food. I can't take the chance of going to the galley myself.” I said. “Just going to the head is going to be risk enough.” There was a head right outside the bridge but even that was a dangerous risk. Unfortunately it was a risk I was going to have to take, unless I wanted to soil myself. Unfortunately sometimes desperate times called for desperate measures but that one I just wouldn't be able to do. She made three trips, the third trip was my fifth stimulant and her bottle and glass. I had given her permission to drink as long as I was awake and there was absolutely nothing for her to do anyway. Her only job would be to sit in that co-pilots seat when I was asleep and wake me if it became necessary. We were going to be living on the bridge. The only good thing I could say about that was that my captains chair did recline.

Melanie managed to get four drinks down before the sedative took her away, hopefully to sweet dreams. I got up and reclined her seat for her which didn't even come close to waking her. I picked at the food she had brought me over a period of hours, not wanting to fill my stomach. A full stomach would have the effect of tiring me and that I couldn't afford to let happen. Nine hours later Whelan was on the com.

“Still awake?”

“Still here Whelan.”

“I know you said twelve hour shifts but I just had a good sleep and I know you have to be tired.” Whelan said. “So I'll take over now for a twelve and you can do a twelve next time. Get some sleep Marc. Try to sleep for a solid twelve if you can.” I thought that was possible actually as tired as I was.

Melanie was stretching I noticed, our conversation having woken her. I looked at her and her eyes were open. “Use the doc. Go get yourself about five stimulants. Get enough food to last the day and use the head. You're about to be on deck.” No talk of reluctance today she rose to do as bid. She had a healthy desire to live. That was clear enough.

I connected com to the ships stereo system and put the volume on high. If Whelan had a sudden warning to give I was definitely going to wake up. Then I poured a cognac. Three would be my limit but no sedatives. It wouldn't even be close to getting me drunk but it would help me get to sleep without the sedatives. I definitely could not take sedatives. I needed to be able to wake up if it became necessary.

Our ships were in passive mode. Everything that we could afford to power down was powered down. If the Tssah passed over our crevice it was possible they might not notice us before it was too late. The guns held residual charges, maybe a few shots from each and hope that was enough while I brought the ship back to life to continue fighting should that be necessary. She that even be possible, I amended. I really had no idea just how advanced they were. Certainly not the most advanced but certainly more advanced than we were.

Melanie came back with stimulants and food on a tray she had found and saw the drink in my hand. “I thought you weren't going to get drunk?”

“I'm not.” I said. “Just a few. I can't afford to take a sedative. My shift starts again in twelve hours. Try not to make noise and I'm going to try to sleep all the way through.”

“I take it Whelan is doing his twelve now?” Melanie said.

“He is but I have consistently been a better fighter. I'm going to need you to be on point Melanie. This is truly serious. This is as serious as it gets. I know you'll be bored but this is our lives and we won't get second chances.”

“I understand. I'll be awake and I'll be sitting right here the whole time, unless I have to use the head and there's nothing I can do about that except try and make it quick.”

I told her about the com being connected to the stereo system, drank my drinks and not surprisingly, fell fast asleep.

I only got up once to use the head. Good to her word Melanie was awake and alert next to me. And sober. The co-pilot had the same console I had including access to the guns. If I took control of my console it overrode hers. I used the head and watched for a moment while she did the same. I had another drink and back asleep. I slept a total of about nine hours. When I awoke rested I unhooked the stereo from com, used the doc, made stimulants and got something to eat. Then I was back on the bridge. Melanie did of course know how to use the guns and was very good. There was a practice program that was just like the real thing to help acclimate a person to this particular system and she was nearly as good as me, maybe just as good. She was after all a gunner by trade. Whelan had a little over two hours left of his shift so added to my twelve hour shift it was a total of fourteen hours I would have to be alert. Perfectly doable.

“If you want to drink go right ahead.” I said. “I'm basically on duty for the next fourteen hours.”

“I thought you'd never ask.” Melanie said. She picked up a half empty bottle, filled her glass and drank it down. I watched enviously.