The Legal Basis of Medical Practice
註釋For over 16 years, The Journal of Medical Practice Management has been providing physicians and practice managers with insightful topics ran ging from daily office activity management to personnel, legal and fin ancial issues. Editor-in-Chief Marcel Frenkel, MD, MBA and the MPM sta ff have carefully chosen a collection of the most helpful articles dea ling with legal issues in the medical practice. Topics include: Time t o Reconsider "Without Cause" Provisions in Employment Contracts, Restr ictive Covenants, Arbitration Clauses in Contracts between Providers a nd Patients, The Employment Agreement: What Every Doctor Nees to Know, Practice Guidelines and Medical Malpractice Litigation, Spoilation of Evidence: The Destruction, Alteration or Loss of Medical Records, The Duty to Inform, Adequate Disclosure and Informed Consent, Medical Inf ormation and Privideges, Liability in Hospital Negligence, The Physici an-Patient Relationship, Patient Abandonment, Failure to Diagnose Canc er, and more!