註釋A collection of children's stories put together by several authors totally unfamiliar with young fiction, now fully illustrated: Reginald & Friends. Now, fully illustrated and 're-loaded'. Reginald Growl: Colin Evans. Riley is sad. Things at school haven't gone well. Who will help him in his hour of need? He couldn't take Mummy to school. Oh well, cousin Lexi was coming over. Perhaps - whoah! What was happening? How did Riley's bear get so big - and did he just wink at Riley? Mummy & Daddy get a divorce: Rich Ford. How young boy journals the 'goings on' of his bickering parents, when all he wants to do is get on playing with Cybot the Destroyer. Supermarket Saboteurs: Colin Evans. 'Ever opened a packet of biscuits to find the end ones smashed? 'Ever found a tube of toothpaste in the supermarket freezer or hairspray in the cake section? Just who spills vinegar and milk in the aisles and who 'knobbles' the wheels on your trolley? Accidents - or something else? Gilbert's well: Dan Weatherer. If you could wish for something - anything, what would it be? Holly discovers a wishing well. But all is not what it seems, as she desperately tries to make the most of the three wishes, she is granted by Gilbert, the imaginative reality co ordinator - or Goblin. Be careful what you wish for - for nothing comes without consequences. Dillard & Doofus: Leanne Procopakis. In the village of Sandpits, the children have stopped saying please and thank you. Two dinosaur detectives are determined to find out why. Sidecar Gang: Pete Cartwright. A childless couple collect soft toys, but during the hours of darkness something magical occurs. Mysteriously items begin to go missing. Who is responsible and why do the toys seem never to be in the same positions as when they were left, the night before? Rocky Outcrop & the doorbell stopwatch: Colin Evans. Grandpa Gutterbrush has disappeared in the Canadian wilderness. All his possessions are sent over to his grandson, Kyle. Whilst searching Grandpa's trunk, Kyle comes across a strange object, which stops time. Unfortunately, someone else wants it and is intent on having it.