註釋The ideas in Dr. Yunjo Chung's first book, "Chunging," makes so much sense that you can't believe you didn't think of it before.

We all know lots of health facts. But its the understanding of what all those facts really mean as a whole health system, as presented here by Dr. Chung, which is so wonderful, so promising of a better life--both for you as an individual and for our society.His goal is to keep people functionally fit into old age by cleansing the body on a cellular level.He prescribes gentle, non-damaging Chunging exercises. It is never too late to start Chunging!Dr. Chung's weight plan works because it doesn't ask the impossible. Losing weight isn't the point, he says--keeping it off is what's important

Chunging offers a unique and different view of the practice of medicine as he explains the relationship between behavior and health.