The E-Toll Saga recounts the journey of Wayne Duvenage from a conscientious corporate CEO into the role of civil activist, putting all his energy and resources into fighting the controversial decision by those who sought to implement electronic tolling to finance a major road construction project in Gauteng, the economic heartland of southern Africa.
The Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (OUTA) sprung up from nothing to a highly visible and trusted brand in the not-for-profit space in a matter of a few months, in the process raising over R12 million for litigation and civil action. While led by Wayne, OUTA’s success was driven but a small group of people. As events unfolded, OUTA’s legal challenges transformed into civil action, testing the resolve and rationale of government and the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) to continue with the e-toll scheme, described by many as a disaster for SANRAL and an embarrassment for the South African government.
The E-Toll Saga describes one man’s inspiring personal story but it also contains valuable lessons on what makes a civil organisation effective and how to mobilise an active citizenry to work towards positive transformation in South Africa.