Pricing of Cyber Insurance
註釋One of the most challenging risks to handle for companies in the 21st century are the risks associated with information and information systems - cyber risk. Therefore cyber insurance can be important for companies to manage and limit the enormous risks associated with information technology. Cyber insurance still has to overcome problems regarding risk assessment, information asymmetries and a lack of actuarial data to ensure insurability and a properly functioning market. This master's thesis addresses another problematic issue: the pricing of cyber risk. For this purpose I specifically focused on the factors influencing the cyber risk exposure of companies. Building on the paper "Insurability of Cyber Risk: An Empirical Analysis" of Biener, Eling and Wirfs (2014) I analyzed the 994 cyber risk incidents of the SAS OpRisk Global Data database to identify risk factors of companies that may help to quantify cyber risk exposure and finally to price cyber insurance policies. Using the data available I conducted multivariable linear regressions in SPSS looking for correlations between the loss amount incurred as a dependent variable and the following five potential risk factors as independent variables: size, productivity, location (country), industry and success (profitability). Overall, the findings of this analysis are not very satisfying since the overall model using all five risk factors is not able to explain differences in incurred loss amounts. However, a few factors were significantly correlated with the loss amount in several sub categories, which lets suppose that there might still be a relationship. Therefore, I found that the size of a company is likely to be positively correlated with the loss amount while the factor industry of financial services tends to be negatively correlated with the loss amount incurred from a single cyber risk incident.