A Dialogve (or Familiar Discourse) and Conference Betweene the Husbandman and Fruit-trees; in His Nurseries, Orchards, and Gardens
Wherein are Discovered Many Usefull and Profitable Observations and Experriments [sic] in Nature, in the Ordering Fruit-trees for Temporall Profitt; Improving Also the Same to Higher Ends, and Uses, in Spirituall Things, for the Good, and Profitt of All; Both in the Church, and of the World. Whereby the Wisdome, Power, Bounty, and Goodnesse of God to His Glory, are Clearely Seen and Read, in this Volume of the Creatures; and All Men Instructed by Them in Their Duty Towards God, in Order to Their Comfort, Edification, and Salvation. By Ra: Austen; Practicer (50 Years) in the Art of Planting Fruit-trees
出版Hen: Hall, 1676