The Value Issue of Business
Alvar O. Elbing
Carol J. Elbing
Carol Elbing
, 1967
"As technology is revolutionized and organizations are expanded, the underlying value framework for decision and policy making becomes more and more crucial. This book undertakes to provide a clear framework for the value issue of business as it is faced by any decision maker. It provides a basis for systematic discussion, problem solving and inquiry into the many social value problems of business today. Whenever the social value issue of business is raised in public discussion, assumptions from the classical economic model are generally taken for granted in the very framing of the issue. Therefore, this book begins with the premise that the first step in any analysis of the business value issue must be examine these basic assumptions. Section I presents a critique of the underlying value assumptions, and of the popular formulas based on them, from an economic point of view. Section II presents an alternative. On the grounds that business is a social system as well as a technical-economic system, it proposes that the value issue be structured in social rather than in solely economic terms. It demonstrates that it is from all of the social acts of business rather than from abstracted "economic acts" that the formulation of the value issue must be derived. It clarifies the value issue inherent in the relationship of business to the individual, to groups, and to domestic and foreign societies. Finally, on the basis of the systematic analysis of the value issue, Section III undertakes an examination of the topic of method for objective value inquiry". - Publisher.