
Is Your Smile Worth Your Life? What You Need to Know Before Undergoing a Root Canal Undergoing a root canal procedure isn't anyone's idea of a good time, but if one is necessary, we don't question its safety. According to Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, we should. Here, they reveal the hidden dangers of root canals. Nobody looks forward to having a root canal. But if you're in constant discomfort because of an infected tooth, you'll willingly hop into the dentist's chair and open wide. Sure, you might worry about feeling pain during the procedure (or paying for it afterward), but beyond those concerns, there's really no reason to worry about undergoing this common outpatient procedure, right? Wrong. Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, say that a root canal is actually a scientifically flawed and potentially dangerous procedure. "Instead of solving a problem, root canals introduce a steady stream of dangerous-and even deadly-toxins into your body," says Dr. Levy, co-author along with Dr. Kulacz of The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick. "Root canal-treated teeth are not sterile and contain pathogenic bacteria, which spread throughout the body and can initiate or worsen heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even cancer."