
László Tábori's dream to compete in the Melbourne Olympics became a reality but his hope of standing on the victory stand had but all been dashed by the events of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

"My Hungarian teammates, Rózsavölgyi, Iharos and I had set 23 world records in track and field and were the favorites leading into the Games. I had won championships in Hungary, England, and the United States. "

It was however, at this time, Tábori defected along with some of his Hungarian Olympic team members and came to America from Melbourne, not to return home again until 25 years later. Communism ruled his country.

Tábori's was always running. The lessons he learned early on...beginning in the early days of his childhood during the German and Russian occupation of his homeland, continuing through his years as a world class runner, and on to this day... imparted upon him the 'will to survive.'

The methods his coach, Mihaly Igloi used are the doctrines of Tábori's coaching philosophy today. László Tábori, a renowned and honored coach has carved out a life for himself. He has passed his methods on, coaching world-class athletes, Olympians, and world record holders. They in turn now coach some of the great runners of today!

When asked', "Why did you work so hard?" Tábori responded, "So we would be better than the rest." The Hungarian translation: "It was our ticket to a better life."

Keywords: Running, Track, Interval Training, László Tábori, Mihaly Igloi, Hungarian, Racing, Pulitzer Prize