Cooking for Winners Not Sinners
註釋Parents who don't call for dinner time are creating a recipe for family dysfunction that will leave their children and the rest of society burned. The impact the family meal has on juvenile crime prevention is the main ingredient in Nicole Grant's groundbreaking new book, Cooking For Winners Not Sinners. From sea to shining sea, parents are raising feral children who are unfazed by the consequences of their actions. Is it too late to save the next generation of children from a life of menacing and murdering? Citizens are asking how to stop the bleeding, and Nicole Grant has the answer to this question and more in Cooking For Winners Not Sinners, an enjoyable read based on her unique brand which melds faith, justice and pop culture. Blame the teachers. Blame the streets. Blame video games. Blame drugs. Blame poverty. Neither the blame game nor the billions of taxpayer dollars aimed at community programming has stopped the tide of wildings from rolling into society and rolling back out with blood on their hands. Through Judeo-Christian principle, lessons from death row, and pop culture, Cooking For Winners Not Sinners assigns responsibility squarely with parents and provides the tips needed to prevent the family "chaos" leaders suggest is at the root of increasingly violent juvenile behavior. Cooking For Winners Not Sinners guides families through a process of using the most effective "community program," ever developed for preventing juvenile crime - the family meal.