其他書名 | In Answer to the Second Defence of the Dissertation Or Inquiry Concerning St. Matthew's Gospel. In which is Shewn, That Instead of Being, what the Title-Page Calls It, (A Full Answer to All that Has Been Offered in Three Tracts, in Vindication of the Said Gospel,) It Contains Not a Single Argument Upon what is Offered in One of Those Tracts, and Often Passes Over what is Most Material in the Other Two; That the Author Neither Justifies Nor Retracts the Numerous Falshoods Charged on His Dissertation and First Defence: and Lastly, That what He Has Advanced on the Subject, More Than Before, is Either False Or Impertinent. By Leonard Twells, M. A. Vicar of St. Mary's in Marlborough |
出版 | R. Gosling, at the Mitre and Crown against Fetter-Lane in Fleet-Street, 1735 |
URL | http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=5E1_0AEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api |