A Second Vindication of the Gospel of St. Matthew
In Answer to the Second Defence of the Dissertation Or Inquiry Concerning St. Matthew's Gospel. In which is Shewn, That Instead of Being, what the Title-Page Calls It, (A Full Answer to All that Has Been Offered in Three Tracts, in Vindication of the Said Gospel,) It Contains Not a Single Argument Upon what is Offered in One of Those Tracts, and Often Passes Over what is Most Material in the Other Two; That the Author Neither Justifies Nor Retracts the Numerous Falshoods Charged on His Dissertation and First Defence: and Lastly, That what He Has Advanced on the Subject, More Than Before, is Either False Or Impertinent. By Leonard Twells, M. A. Vicar of St. Mary's in Marlborough
出版R. Gosling, at the Mitre and Crown against Fetter-Lane in Fleet-Street, 1735