Circle Time for the Very Young
註釋`The book is easy to read, can be dipped into as required and will make a useful addition to the infant school teacher's resource library' - Education and Health

`Circle Time for the Very Young provides teachers with something very accessible for use with younger children. All the information you need to "get going" is there, and the level of detail should be just right for both school and other early years settings' - Educational Psychology in Practice

Circle Time is extensively used in primary and increasingly in secondary schools to help young people improve their confidence, speaking and listening skills, and to raise self-esteem. Much of the material suggests games and activities suitable for older pupils, therefore the language and activities do not suit children new into school.

We know that Circle Time is best introduced early and this book is full of brilliant activities for very young children. On the left hand page the plan is for 3 to 5 year olds and on the right hand page the same activity is developed for 5 to 7 year olds.

There are five PSCHE themes:

" friends and friendship

" growing up

" feelings

" keeping safe

" citizenship.

Margaret Collins is a former headteacher of an infant and first school. She is now Visiting Fellow in the School of Education at the University of Southampton. She researches children's perceptions of health education topics, writes and co-writes teaching materials for children, books and articles on personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE).