All Jihad is Local
What ISIS' Files Tell Us about Its Fighters
出版New America, 2016
註釋Analysts have long understood the need to help maintain strong state and local institutions to prevent the proliferation of terrorist safe havens. But the findings from this report suggest that supporting federal and municipal governments may be more important than we previously thought. If foreign fighters are more likely to come from restive regions with poor local-federal institutional relationships, then the proliferation of such regions does not just increase the likelihood that each specific region will become a terrorist safe haven, but it increases the likely rate of success of terrorist safe havens anywhere. The more regions in which state institutions fail to effectively govern, the more likely ISIS--or a group like ISIS--will be able to attract recruits. The lack of effective state and local governance in many parts of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is the reason why ISIS today can continue to attract recruits and carry out operations, despite losing territory in Syria and Iraq. Federal institutions in MENA struggle even to define what constitutes their basic territorial authority in places like Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere, meaning this phenomenon is unlikely to disappear any time soon.