The Phytoseiidae are among the best-known mite families, with more than 2,700 recorded species worldwide. Some of those phytoseiids are used as biocontrol agents to fight agricultural pests. But in order to study their potential, it has become urgent to first establish a reliable taxonomy of Phytoseiidae. This book presents a general review of the classification and external morphology of the family Phytoseiidae in Taiwan and neighboring islands. Between 2009 and 2019, more than 20,000 specimens were gathered over the course of 2,500 collections. This book focuses on 64 species belonging to three subfamilies and fourteen genera, among which are five novel species and eight newly-recorded species; it provides their descriptions and illustrations, as well as information on their habitat plants and food habits.
植綏蟎科(捕植蟎)是最有名的蟎類之一,全世界已經紀錄了超過 2,700 種,部分種類是小型農業害蟎(蟲)的天敵。然而為了研究其生物防治潛力,可靠的分類研究即成為急迫要進行的事。本書提供一針對臺灣產植綏蟎科完整的分類研究與其外部形態的回顧,自 2009 年至 2019 年,調查超過 2,500 筆採集紀錄,20,000 筆標本。本書包含了植綏蟎科,3亞科、14 屬、64 種,並包含先前已發表的 5 新種與 8 新紀錄種;針對所有物種提供完整重新描述與繪圖,並提供其棲息植物與其食性。