Program i knjiga apstrakata / Drugi seminar mladih istraživača Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd, 29. decembar 2003.
Nenad Ignjatović
Institut tehničkih nauka SANU
, 2003-12-15
Technology & Engineering / Materials Science
Technology & Engineering / Biomedical
Technology & Engineering / Chemical & Biochemical
Science / Experiments & Projects
Science / Physics / Crystallography
Science / Chemistry / Physical & Theoretical
Young Researchers' meetings are held annually late in December since 2002 and they are organized by the Materials Research Society of Serbia. Originally conceived as seminars, since 2007 these meetings were transformed into conferences. The previous ten meetings featured presentations based on the research of various young scientists from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Brazil, Germany, United States of America, China, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Romania, United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Russia, Canada, etc. At the Conference, young researchers, students of doctoral, master and undergraduate studies, are given the opportunity to make an overview of their research into materials science and engineering through oral and poster presentations. As for the scientific content of the conference, we have given full priority to research topics that are currently considered as being on the frontier of the field. Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Synthesis and Engineering of Biomaterials, Application of Biomaterials, Theoretical Modeling of Materials and Advanced Methods for Synthesis and Processing present only some of those exciting topics that will be given the central stage and most attention during this meeting. The conference is free of charge and the participants are invited to submit their papers to the journals Tehnika – Novi Materijali and Hemijska Industrija. The Second Young Researchers' Seminar Materials Science and Engineering was held in Belgrade, Serbia, on December 29, 2003. It was organized by the Materials Research Society of Serbia and Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.