Energetic Invocations: A Book of Vibrational Change

This high-octane book is about changing your thoughts and beliefs, and working with the energy surrounding them, as a way to change your life. Along with “Energetic Invocations” are five parts: Self, Journey, People, Environment and World.

Who is the one person you can change? We all know the answer is only you, yet we continue to look outside of ourselves for the answers. The book’s focus is in the understanding that real healing occurs when the truth, our own individual truth which lies within each of us, is revealed.

“Energetic Invocations: A Book of Vibrational Change” and “Energetic Invocations Series: A Book of Vibrational Change – Volumes 1-17, with Process This™ (with real-life situations and contemplations) have been inspiring readers everywhere to do the work to quiet “out there,” analyze thoughts and beliefs, and work with the energy all around to find their own truths and make change. Now you can also hear the authors candidly discuss why they wrote this book, how powerful “Energetic Invocations” are to help you refocus your life, and the essence and energy of all five parts of the book, in their podcast episodes “Energetic Invocations and Process This – The Author’s Cut©,” in their podcast series “Let’s Talk About Energy: Ours and Yours” available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Anchor, “Alexa,” and everywhere! Buy the book, absorb the authors’ energized discussions, invest in yourself and do the work, and be a part of your own self-empowerment journey!

From the Authors:

If you have any interest in things other than people’s stories, complaints and drama, and feel that there is something else out there, you’re right, there is. And that’s where we are.

Social media, television, movies, other self-help books are unfulfilling. They just perpetuate an empty feeling. If you are interested in what everyone else is doing, keep supporting them. Yet, if you are interested in accessing something else within yourself and all around you, our books help to open the door to magick, science, creativity, and psychic ability.

We work with energy. What does that mean?

Everyone wants to talk to us or be in our conversations. So, we wrote about what we know and have experienced. If you want to be in our conversations, listen to our podcasts. Otherwise, read our books, that’s where the energy is.

Find our books on our Amazon Author pages. Also visit: https://fanlink.to/EiAlliance

Find our podcast shows everywhere:

“Your Presence Is Required” (NEW)

“Let’s Talk About Energy, Ours & Yours”

“The Kybalion: A Conversation”

“Ancient Texts – The Genealogy of Energy”

“Oprah! Can You Hear Me? Oprah vs. Donald 2020”