The 24 Filial Kids: Ding Lan 24 (Simplified Chinese Reading Comprehension, Level 1, Chinese-English Bilingual )
註釋(This book is with free audio book, and also readable on iPad and tablets. )Ding Lanwas was an orphan as his parents died when he was at a very young age. After growing up , he carved two pieces of wood into his parents' portrait . He greeted his parents every morning, and chatted with them. Ding Lan's wife found everything he did for his parents was very interesting. To find out whether the two portraits were spiritual, she took a sewing needle to prick the fingers of the two portraits. After pricking for two times in a row, the finger bled . Unfortunately, Ding Lan got home to greet his parents at the point. The two portraits were burst into tears unexpectedly.J.SHUTONG : Four steps to improve Chinese reading skills.Step 1 : Listening *Dictation exerciseStep 2 : Reading *Chinese-English BilingualStep 3 : Activities *Group discussion *Multiple-choice questions (40) *AnswersStep 4 : Ask Answers: 1~10CCCBD ABBBD11~20BCCBD BBCDB21~30DABDB CBBDB31~40BDAAA BCCBA-----------------------------汉语阅读理解, 有声书中文閱讀理解, 有聲書中国の読解電子書籍、オーディオブックChinesische Leseverständnis eBook, HörbuchChinois compréhension de lecture de livres électroniques, livres audioChino eBook comprensión de la lectura , Libro de audioChinese reading comprehension eBook, audio book