The Strong Man Armed Not Cast Out, But Removed to a Stronger Hold
Viz. from Profaneness to Hypocrisie, Or, An Answer to a Book, Entituled, The Strong Man Armed Cast Out, and His Goods Spoyled; Or, The Poor Man Sitting at Jesus's Feet, Cloathed, and in His Right Mind. Written by James Jackson, Formerly a Parish Priest, and Afterwards a Teacher Among the Independents: And Now Walking with the People Called Quakers, as He Testifieth of Himself. In which Answer is Plainly Discovered the Ignorance and Darkness, the Delusions, and False Apprehensions of this James Jackson, Concerning Himself, and the Churches, and Assemblies which He Disowns, and Separates From. And Also the Erroneous Interpretations and Applications of the Scriptures, which He Mentions in His Book. Herein are Also Discovered Several Characters, Plain Marks of Those False Teachers that the Spirit Speaketh Expresly Should Come Into the World in These Last Days. Written for the Vindication of the Truths of the Gospel, the Stablishing of Those who are in the Truth, and the Reducing of Those who Have Erred from It: And in All for the Exaltation of the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By Ra. Austen
出版Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1676