A Journey into Prophetic Worship. Book 2: New Testament
註釋A Journey into Prophetic Worship is an opportunity to discover our true identities as worshippers. Through the comprehensive study of the scriptures, the author clearly lays out the composites of prophecy and worship and where they converge to produce prophetic worship. Part 1 dispels the myth that Old Testament worship was devoid of Holy Spirit inspiration and was a lot of religious observances, whereas part 2 deals with the myth that prophecy is not for the New Testament believer. If you are desiring more of the leading of the Holy Spirit in your worship, but want to be convinced of its scriptural precedence then this book is for you! Jesus is saying: 'Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.' (John 4:23) Will you answer this call? Will you come with me on a journey into Prophetic Worship?