The Books of Moses and More
註釋Table of Contents
Genesis Part 1- The Book of Beginnings - Creation to Noah's Flood
Genesis Part 2 - Noah to Abraham
Genesis Part 3- Jacob to Joseph
Exodus Part 1- The Book of Deliverance - From Egypt to the Wilderness
Exodus Part 2- Tabernacle Completion - The Ten Commandments
The Book of Leviticus- The Book of Atonement, Worship and Sacrifice - The Handbook of the Priests
Numbers Part 1- Israel In the Wilderness - Sinai to the Jordon
Numbers Part 2- More Israel In the Wilderness - Sinai to the Jordon
The Book of Deuteronomy- The Second Law - Ready for the Promised Land
Epilog to the Torah: The Books of Moses
Jews, Christians and Passover -
Jews, Christians and Tabernacles -
Introduction to the Feast of Tabernacles - Feast of Tabernacles in the Old Testament - New Testament Application of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Judaism the Foundation of Christianity
The Feast of Pentecost
Overview of Old Testament References to Christ
God's Plan for Israel Changed?- The Spiritual Israel of the Kingdom of God
The Ten Commandments and More
What the Old Testament Means to Us Today
The name of this book is The Books of Moses and More -A Christian Perspective. The books of Moses are the first five books of the Jewish and Christian. They are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In the Hebrew Bible they are collectively known as the "Torah." The Torah books have been collectively defined as books of "instruction or teaching," which is the literal interpretation of "Torah." However the Torah has been collectively referred to as "The Law" or "The Law of Moses." In Greek, those first five books are known as the Pentateuch. In the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament Bible (LXX) they are called "Law" after the Greek word nomos.
Disregarding the arguments that Moses was not the author of these books (the general consensus is that he is the author) the Books present a record of the greatest manifestation of God on the earth before Christ. The acts, ways and personality of God are portrayed no better than in these books. They highlights His personality are: His love, kindness, mercy, flexibility, jealous anger and the fact that He will stop at nothing until He has a people for His own possession. The books in Moses portray a meek and humble man called to a task greater than himself. God called him the most humble man on the face of the earth.
Moses, according to the record, spoke face to face with God. This is the most unique example of God moving through a frail human vessel (excluding Christ). In return for his courage and humility God performed great and wonderful acts through him. God did not move sovereignly but through this man. This is always, to the present day, the way God moves. "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret counsel To His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).
Moses knew the Lord. He knew both His acts and His ways, which set him apart from the peoples he served. "He made known His ways to Moses, His acts [not His ways] to the sons of Israel" (Psalm 103:7). Consider the acts done by God through Moses. He delivered a nation of hundreds of thousands of people from the most powerful nation on the earth at the time (Egypt). At the same time God judged the gods of Egypt so that Egypt as a nation never returned to its former glory. He established arguably the greatest form of government known at the time. It was the first, and only, workable theocracy, governed by one God.
Moses stood between God and the people. Many times God, in His jealous anger, meant to destroy the entire nation. However, time after time, Moses changed His mind.
In the book of Genesis the lineage of the nation of Israel (and eventually Christ), is followed from Abraham, to Isaac and finally J