औधोगिक सन्नियम (Audhogik Sanniyam - Industrial Law) - SBPD Publications

Paper – I  (The Factory Act, 1948)

1. The Factory Act, 1948 : An Introduction, 2. Provisions Regarding Approval, Licencing, Registration and Inspection of Factories, 3. Health, 4. Safety, 5. Dangerous Processes, 6. Labour Welfare, 7. Working Hours of Adults, 8. Employment of Young Persons, 9. Annual Leave with Wages, 10. Special Provisions, 11. Penalties and Procedure, 12. Supplemental.

Paper – II (Industrial Dispute Act, 1947)

1.Industrial Dispute Act : An Introduction, 2. Authorities and Settlement of Disputes, 3. Reference or Direction of Industrial Disputes, 4. Procedure, Powers and Duties of Authorities, 5. Strikes and Lock-Outs, 6. Lay-Off and Retrenchment, 7. Special Provisions Relating to Lay-Off Retrenchment and Closure in Certain Establishment, 8. Unfair Labour Practices, 9. Penalties and Other Miscellaneous Provisions

Paper – III (The Trade Unions Act, 1926)

1. The Trade Unions Act, 1926, 2. Registration of Trade Unions, 3. Rights, Liabilities and Funds of Trade Unions, 4. Regulation, Penalties and Procedures.

Paper – IV (The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948)

1. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, 2. Administration of Employee’s State Insurance Scheme, 3. Finance and Audit, 4. Contribution, 5. Benefits and Scheme for Other Beneficiaries, 6. Adjudication of Disputes and Claims, 7. Penalties and Other Miscellaneous Provisions.

Paper – V (Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923)

1. Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923, 2. Employee’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability, 3. Commissioner and Rules.