365: Days of Adventure
註釋After her amazing year in Australia, author Kristine Johnson found herself going through a year of questions, decisions and struggles as she tried to decide what she wanted to do with her life. She headed back to working on a cruise ship in Hawaii, applied for a job with Disney Cruise Line and ended up getting hired by a major airline as a flight attendant. During the 365 days of adventures, she recorded and captured the moments. 7/30/15 "I did my blood test today for Disney."10/10/15 "My parents dropped me off at the airport today. I'm officially off to 5 weeks of flight attendant training in Houston, Texas!"Through Kristine's artistic ability, passion and zest for life, readers join in her journey and envision the experiences and thoughts she had while making major decisions for her life. Join Kristine through her year of learning, discovering and eventually, finding the job that truly fits her.