註釋While the war on terrorism spearheaded by the U.S. and Britain after September 11 has the support of virtually every country around the world, a wide variety of views have emerged about past causes as well as current actions and future directions.The BBC news service, with journalists stationed around the globe who are experts on their regions, is uniquely positioned to report on these world-altering events, providing both news and analysis from a larger and sometimes alternative point of view than that of the mainstream American media. As The New York Times reported, "...it helps to know, without sugar-coating, what the rest of the world is thinking. BBC World News is the best of the foreign-based English language news services, with a wider scope and blunter attitude than American networks and cable channels." Similarly, Vanity Fair noted, "the timorousness of the American press has provided a marked contrast to the more robust debate abroad."The BBC Reports takes on the tough topics facing America around the world, with chapters on George Bush and America in the face of war, the tragedy of war and famine in Afghanistan, the dilemma and motives of President Musharraf of Pakistan, the effect of September 11 on the global economy, the connection between September 11 and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and more. It's an unflinching look from a point of view that will be eye-opening for most Americans.