Defining You
註釋Defining You helps you to understand who you are and what your place is in this hectic and demanding world. It opens a window into the process of psychological profiling and presents a clear path to improving your effectiveness and fulfilling your potential with immediate actions and tangible tips.
This new edition will include:
  • New chapter on emotional resilience – taking it’s place among the chapters on Defining You, Describing You, Developing You, Confidently You and Optimizing You, Fiona introduces a whole new section on being Resiliently You, based on the course she runs frequently and has most latterly been running for the NHS.
Everyone has emotional resilience to some degree, but the global pandemic has really tested all of us in how we use it. Coping with challenges and setbacks is a key factor in both how we manage our daily lives and how leaders make the decisions that govern our lives. Fiona has over twenty years’ experience in both the science and practice of coaching emotional resilience.
  • More in-depth exploration of mental health and how it affects focus and high performance.
  • A fully revised chapter on sleep and stress relief.
  • Introduction of the 3 S’s concept – Sleep, Self Awareness and Social Support.