The Emperor's Black Swan

Can a wolf and a swan be together?


Darilus Gratagan is the Elven emperor of the Aluthia Empire. His rise to power brought to him a dark curse; a demonic wolf is infesting in his body. For a hundred and twelve years, he has managed to suppress the curse.

But the demon is getting stronger, to the point that Darilus finds himself turning into a monster almost every night. He begins to desire blood and his people are in danger of himself.

Until he finds the evil witch from Tollyria in his royal garden.

“I can tame a demon dog,” she says.


Sania has died. At least she thought so. But then she opens her eyes in Aluthia’s royal garden and when she looks at the reflection of the pond… she sees herself as a black swan.

However, when night comes, she shifts back into her original form; the White Witch of Tollyria. For some reason, she cannot leave the royal garden. 

Then she meets the Emperor of Aluthia… in the form of a demonic wolf.

“Make a deal with me,” he says.

This story will be applied to PTR on Nov 5th 2021