We Don't Say "Heil Hitler" Anymore
註釋When pampered Thea falls in love with a “Nobody from some island”, her parents reluctantly agree to the marriage, fearing a turbulent and unsafe future for their beloved daughter. Unstable times in pre-war Germany, Ernst's involvement with the National Socialistic Party's activities and 18 year old Thea's unrealistic expectations, provide the foundation for a passionate and tumultuous life and marriage. They move to the island of Borkum where Ernst begins his career as Burgermeister. Children begin to arrive and Thea is left alone when Ernst volunteers for the front. Thea and her sister-in-law struggle throughout the war trying to keep their six children safe and alive. The sudden end of the war changes their lives dramatically when they are evicted from their home. Their husbands and Thea's oldest daughter, have disappeared into ravaged Germany and the two women are faced with the impossible task of feeding their children. Thea begins a career on the Black Market and is forced to leave her children alone for weeks on end. The children are left to cope with cold, hunger and disease. Ernst is arrested and placed in a concentration camp. The family struggles without hope. After his release, the changed Ernst begins to make plans for the survival of his family. The family succeeds against all odds to eventually regain financial stability. Political and personal struggles leave imprints on each member of the family. The story is told by the third daughter, Helga. There is much to laugh and to cry about in the Hunze saga. This is a tale of honor, courage and coming of age in circumstances that are beyond the imagination of today's reader. It is the story of one family struggling against impossible odds. From their darkest moments to triumphant survival, set in times that changed the history of the world.