Structure-Borne Sound
註釋Whcn the original German edition of this book first appeared in print, the undcrsigned was asked to review it for an English-language journal. In the course of this review process he was so struck by the book's unusual approach, as well as by the realization that no similar collection of information was available in English, that he conceived thc idea of undertaking this translation. Arrangements with the original authors and with the publisher were completed late in 1969; the translation task was begun at that. time and occupied nearly two and onc-half years-largcly because the undersigned's other professional act.ivities permitted him toderote only hisspare time to the translation effort. Because this passage of time also brought with it some advances in the state of t.he art, an attempt was made to include the most significant of these aclvances, as well as newer references and some minor correc tions, in the translatecl rersion. Except for these changes, which were macle with the enthusiastic endorsement and collaboration of the origi nal authors, the translatecl rersion remains very close to the original. In fact, the translator took special care to preserve not only the mean ing, but also the "flaror", of the original text. The translator is most grateful to Professor L. Cremer and Dr