
This concise text is designed to present the recent advances in parallel and distributed architectures and algorithms within an integrated framework. Beginning with an introduction to the basic concepts, the book goes on discussing the basic methods of parallelism exploitation in computation through vector processing, super scalar and VLIW processing, array processing, associative processing, systolic algorithms, and dataflow computation. After introducing interconnection networks, it discusses parallel algorithms for sorting, Fourier transform, matrix algebra, and graph theory. The second part focuses on basics and selected theoretical issues of distributed processing. Architectures and algorithms have been dealt in an integrated way throughout the book. The last chapter focuses on the different paradigms and issues of high performance computing making the reading more interesting.

This book is meant for the senior level undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer science and engineering, and information technology. The book is also useful for the postgraduate students of computer science and computer application.

Key features

• Each chapter is explained with examples (or example systems as the case may be) to make the principles/methods involved easily understandable.

• Number of exercises are given at the end of each chapter for helping the reader to have better understanding of the topics covered.

• A large number of journal articles are highlighted to help the students interested in studying further in this field.