Mum, Baby & Toddler

mum baby toddler together we learn

Jan shares in her book real parenting experiences of when she was raising a young family. Like most new parents, Jan did not see or comprehend what she was embarking on and was caught up in her own life and needs rather than truly realizing the impact she was having on her developing babies and children. The journey she experienced and the one all new parents experience goes far beyond what you know you are capable of handling today.

Jans personal story woven through professional knowledge makes parenting real. It will make you laugh, cry and learn what you could do better in the many challenges that you face while raising your growing family. Reading her book will help you find the balance in your own parenting journey to provide the best opportunities for the development of your babies and children the future generation.

George Bernard Shaw wrote,Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered to the country and to mankind is to bring up a family and Jan couldnt agree more. Using her professional midwifery and child health knowledge, Jan shares how to care for a newborn and growing baby and helps you understand how to live with and encourage an independent toddler. Jan helps you see what discipline is really for and why building relationships with babies and young children are vital for their future.

What you will find inside:

o Basic skills needed when caring for your baby and toddler
o True accounts of raising babies & toddlers
o What gadgets & contraptions you really need
o How to recognise when your babys behaviour is not usual and what to do about it
o What feeding & sleeping behaviours to expect from your baby & toddler
o Understand how feed play sleep patterns work together
o What growth & development to expect in your baby & toddler