
Molly`s parents had all they could take from their daughter screaming in the night and saying to them that they were coming to get her soul. When Molly`s parents came to check on her every night, she became more violent and would curse and spit on them and her voice was that of a demons. Molly`s father Jack decided it might be a good idea to call a priest to see if she was possessed.

Jack got in touch with Father Ryan whose church is about a mile from where they live. Jack`s voice was shaken up, he could barely get the words out because it was his daughter whom he loved so dearly, and felt hopeless to save her from what was possessing her body. As Jack was discussing his daughter's problem with Father Ryan over the phone he reassured Jack he had seen this kind of behavior before and would do everything in his power to rid his daughter of the evilness she was possessing inside her body.

Father Ryan said, "Let me get my things together I will need to perform an exorcism and I will be over shortly."

"Thank you so much," replied Jack.

Father Ryan knew time was at hand and there was no time to waste because the possession described by Jack over the phone would be enough to kill Jack's daughter before the night set in. He grabbed his bible, and holy water and placed them in his bag, then got in his car and sped down the road to Jack's house ready to rid the girl of her evil demons. He pulled into Jack`s driveway gathered his things and knocked on Jack`s front door.

Jack opened the door and said "Please hurry! She is speaking a different language and throwing up some green vomit and levitating off the bed."