Building Love

Brigid Marino hates change. She’s lived her entire life in Edgewater, kept the same best friend since childhood, dated the same guy for years, and her beloved father’s tavern is the only place she’s ever worked. Life has been comfortable and predictable. Until now.

Newcomers are renovating homes and a developer has started buying up business properties. Why everyone else is excited about this urban renewal is beyond her. It’s clearly a threat to life as she knows it. Sure, new customers discovering her family's bar is nice, but one of them, the handsome, confidant, and possibly rich Alex Conner, makes her uneasy.

Though Alex’s oh-so-blue eyes and smoky laugh are hard to resist, she's told him she’s not interested. Yet, he keeps coming back, challenging her to open her eyes to new possibilities. Urging her to risk the unknown. Making her question everything she thought she wanted. Like he knows her better than she knows herself. As if …

Building Love is a touching, romantic, and sometimes funny novel about finding the courage to move forward.