Cracking the Success Code
Brian Tracy
J. W. Dicks
Nick Nanton
Lindsay Dicks
Phil Cioppa
Radon Stancil
Rick Parkes
Tommy Lee
Diana DeMar
Carol Parks
Harry Davies
Barbara Walton
Elizabeth Potter
Jennifer Hilburn
Bruce Langford
Simone Slocock
Keith Hamilton
Genevieve Kohn
Brenda Byers-Im
Jonathan Woodman
Sahar Aref
Paulius Petretis
Troy Price
Diana Todd-Banks
Dushan Vaithilingam
Erfan Amidi
Ginger Bell
D. Rik Villegas
John Moranville
Gloria Taylor-Boyce
David Montelongo
Ethan Hale
James Collyer
Jennie Johnston
Motoko Ishihra
Kevin Johnson
Siou-Foon Lee
Luba Winter
Genny Williams
Ian Platt
Jack McDonough
Celebrity Press
, 2012
Business & Economics / Marketing / Direct
Business & Economics / Sales & Selling / General
Self-Help / Personal Growth / Success
Self-Help / Personal Growth / General
How to Crack The Success Code is a task that humanity has reflected on from time immemorial. The sages and philosophers of every generation have pursued this question with unrelenting determination because everybody is looking for the answer - regardless of their field. So, who has the answer? Has this book found the "Silver Bullet?" The answer to this eternal enigma may vary for each one of us according to our definition of success. However, in this book, these Celebrity Experts(R) render their conclusions based on their proven experiences and core principles. Their answers are based on their firsthand knowledge versus academic hypotheses or philosophical assumptions. So, if you decided to learn more about success and achievement in your world, where would YOU look for the answers? The "nuggets of wisdom" that the Celebrity Experts(R) in this book offer us look at a world that is new and unfamiliar economic territory for us all. They have "been there and done it." They provide practical answers to these questions. Brian Tracy, for example, looks at changes that the business world and culture have experienced over the past hundred years, and, based on his knowledge and wide experience, projects how people will need to think and perform in the future to achieve success. This kind of visionary thought will enlighten and guide those who wish to achieve successful or outstanding accomplishments. We are therefore left with the options of spending our lives trying to "reinvent the wheel" on our own, or we can use the proven experience of people like these Celebrity Experts(R) to Crack The Success Code for us. Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. Conrad Hilton