C1q nefropatija: imunohistološke značilnosti v primerjavi s histomorfološkimi spremembami
註釋Background. C 1 q nefropathy is defined by immunofluorescence with dominant glomerular C 1 q deposits in patients without evidence for systemic lupus erythematosus or hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome. Descriptions of histomorfological changes in few published studies including small number of patients are different and nonunified. No systematical comparison of glomerular histomorfological changes with immunofluorescent characteristics of glomerular immunological deposits has been published. The aim of this research work was 1. to evaluate the characteristics of immune deposits of a larger series of kidney biopsies patients with C 1 q nephropathy, 2. to compare the features of immune deposits with glomerular histomorphologic changes and 3. to draw conclusions from the results about thepossible pathogenetic mechanisms involved in the developement of this glomerular disease. Hypothesis. We expect that this research work will confirm the hypothesis that C 1 q nefropathy is not a clinico-pathologic entity. Methods. This retrospective study included 67 patients with Clq nephropathy, among them 23 women, 41 men and three kidney donors, for which the demographicdata were missing. Kidney biopsy tissue samples were at the time ofbiopsy examined by standard light and immunoflourescence microscopy techniques. The patients were according to the glomerular histomorphologic changes divided into 6 groups. Pattern, composition, intensity and the localisation of immune deposits in kidney tissue were reevaluated on the archive photographies of positive immunofluorescence results. The Kruskal-Wallis test and Pearsons x2 test were used for statistical evaluation of the results. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).