For those that are not aware of the legacy of this African- American President and his struggles, he represents the African- American people as well as all Americans. This book will shed some light. It will show how they "acted" and how some received him. Maybe you have just bits and pieces of what he was all about and what he has gone through as an African-American President. You will learn how it all went down. You will learn how they treated him. You will learn what they called him. They called him names that they would not call their least liked house cat. You will learn what they thought about his citizenship as not being legitimate, even when the proof was shown. You will learn how they tried to taint and dismantle his presidency and make it his worse "waterloo." It was the people of this nation that duly elected him as President of the United States and legalized him as President. You will also see how he, in spite of how they treated him, through his hidden powers, accomplished many wonderful things for the American people with many doors made easier to open. You will see the profound work he did as the President based on the power the people gave him, including executive orders. It was the perfect storm before the calm, as the President was a strong ship that weathered the storm. This calm after the storm will open doors easier and wider.