Currency Democracy

The US Dollar and the Euro are not real international currencies, but the currencies of certain countries (US) and region (Eurozone) that are "adopted" to become international currencies. This causes our global monetary and financial system to be asymmetrical. Some countries print money while others buy them. Consequently, the US and the Euro Area can buy anything from all countries in the world just by printing money from paper. They buy gold with paper. While all other countries are the opposite; they sell anything to get “paper money”. They buy paper with gold.

This asymmetrical global monetary and financial system creates a very expensive cost to the world economy; exchange rate costs and fluctuations that reach hundreds of billions of dollars every year; cumulative foreign exchange reserves worth a dozen of trillions of dollars; two-thirds of countries in the world are trapped in foreign debt that cannot be paid; mass-and-cold trade wars involving all countries in the world and lasting for decades gave birth to the phenomenon of "race to the bottom" and made most developing countries trapped in the middle income (MIT); persistent global imbalances that continue to grow and become a fertile ground for monetary crisis that occurs periodically throughout the world.

The Global Currency Initiative pioneered a global monetary model that is fully symmetrical and at the same time democratic. The model name is “organic global monetary” (OGM). OGM is an international currency system developed jointly by all countries in the world, or member countries and is part of their respective national currencies. Organic currency is only used for international transactions between member countries; while domestic transactions continue to use the national currency. The relationship between international currency and nationals is organic (part of) and hybrid (interconvertible). The exchange rate between organic and national currencies uses an auto-balancing so that it follows the true economic fundamentals.

The organic model is an international monetary system that is natural, elegant, and very comprehensive, provides international currencies “free of charge” to all member countries, does not require foreign exchange reserves, eliminates exchange rate cost and fluctuations, makes “zero-depreciated” international currencies, eliminates foreign debt dependence, abolishing trade wars at all levels, releases countries from the middle-income trap (MIT); eliminates global imbalances, and roots out the potentials for monetary crisis.

The organic model uses a fully flexible exchange rate system; therefore, it doesn't require economic integration. Thus, all countries in the world may join, without overhauling the monetary system, without losing the national currency and monetary-economic sovereignty. The organic model can also start on a small scale like the ASEAN region, South Asian, East Asian, Middle East, Latin America, East Africa, West, and Central, and many others. It may also start in several connected-regions or multi-regions. Once formed, the organic union may open to all countries in the world regardless of regional differences, income levels, economic systems, and others. All countries may join without exception. Since then, the world has a fully democratic and symmetrical alternative monetary system. Each country in the world is free to choose whether to join the organic monetary system or stay with the current system. Because the essence of democracy is to provide choices.

This book is the second edition with some improvement from the first edition entitled "Global Currency Initiative". In this edition, we enhance the theory and academic. While on the other hand we still use a very simple language so that it is easily understandable by the general public; because the global currency is a common interest that everyone needs to know.