Leadership in Action

This book outlines how administrators in our school system can move from managerial efforts to leadership functions. Identifying taxpayers as the school systems’ foremost client presents leaders with the critical perspective for ensuring accountability. Government is the taxpayers’ servant and act as managers of educational funding and programs, and is supported by administrators working in schools, districts and regional offices.

A key understanding is that school is a student’s place of work, and current processes for evaluating and reporting their progress identifies them as the most accountable workers in our culture. Taxpayers are better served when educators and government are held accountable by similar assessment processes.

Accountability is enhanced when power for selecting teachers and schools is shifted from administrators to parents, and quantifiable information provides the basis for these decisions. Ensuring that students have their learning assessed consistently guarantees fairness to students and provides critical information for parents and taxpayers. Proven leadership strategies for ensuring accountability and superior levels of performance are presented for each administrative level.