Abbara - A Story of Hope

“The author will lead you through an abbara in Mardin thousands of which connect streets, neighborhoods and houses, darkness to light, sorrow to joy and from the visible to the unknown. You’ll pass through it for one has to pass through himself to find himself. While Joseph discovers his real mother in the triangle of Houston, Matera and Mardin, you’ll journey through ages meeting queen snakes sailing through the skies, ancient prophets telling you their parables, and a living wizard who is going to discover the lost water streams under your feet..."

- Dr. Hakki Öcal

“Ahmet Tezcan's novel isn't just a narrative, it's a travel book about the discovery of Mesopotamia through a touching story. Especially Bahe's story... It falls like a stone on one's heart.”

- Orhan Miroğlu

“If Hegel had had a chance to read Ahmet Tezcan's marvellous book Abbara while explaining his famous "the real is actual" he would have absolutely had the adventure of the Spirit drop by the streets of Mardin. A novel that through beautiful design passes beyond the dialectic of the difference and the identity.”

- Dr. Gülgun Türkoğlu Pagy