The MENS ONLY Guide To Women: A Mans Guide To How Women Think & How To Get Your Way With Her:
Modern Dating Advice, Dealing With Narcissist Women, How To Make A Woman Submit
出版The Door 2 Success Publishing , 2023-01-05
主題Social Science / Men's StudiesPsychology / Social Psychology

“Women are incredibly simple to understand. She's only complicated to the man who only sees her beauty?"

Understanding women for most of us is like trying to do trigonometry without ever being taught. This is the dilemma most men find themselves in once they start dating and getting into relationships with women.

Most men find themselves doing what they think will make her happy relentlessly, only to find her still unhappy. Only to find that she isn’t attracted to you anymore as she leaves to another man.

This is because women have to be the least studied subject by most men. Men study for years how to make money just to get the women but invest zero time in finding out what she wants or how she thinks.

You’re just missing the mindset to make this happen. This guide is here to change your past results with some specific and rarely told to men secrets that you must know to become a master of women.

Once you understand these often never talked about principles, you’ll be able to turn the tables of power and become the man she wants and desires to lead her into the future. So let’s dive in!

Here’s some of the topics we’ll discuss:

-Why Treating Her Like A Celebrity, Always Backfires 

-How To Know If She’s Only Using You For “Friendship”

-What Does A Woman Really Love? (Clue: It’s Not You Ever!!)

-The Issue With Women And taking Responsibility

-How To Deal With A Difficult Woman

-All Women Have A Freaky Side, Why You Don’t See It

-How Not To Get Attached To A Woman

-How To Get Her To Fall In Love

-The Phases Of Female Manipulation

-3 Things You should NEVER Do With A Woman

-How Women Use Conditional Femininity To Hook You

-How To Make A Woman Submit

And Much More…………